Friday, October 23, 2015

123rd KNY Monthly Seminar “Efforts to be a 5-star textile company in New York”

Our 123rd Monthly Seminar covered the topic of “Effort” from the book “A Passion for success”, written by Dr. Inamori Kazuo.

Our focus for this seminar was to understand how to become a 5-star textile company in New York, using real-life examples from multiple industries, and defining what kind of effort they have put in in order to be considered a 5-star business. 

One of the challenges for putting this seminar together, was to understand what a 5-star business is from our President's perspective. Another challenge was that we all have easy access to a large amount of information daily, and these information can have positive and negative aspects. It was difficult to sort out the information and figure out a perfect example of a company that can be relevant for our business and tie into our daily practice. 

Through this seminar, I have learned that the concepts from Dr. Inamori’s book, can be applied to different examples of successful businesses. It made me realize what we have been learning through his philosophy and these business tips can be used in different industries, in different cultures, worldwide. These are universal concepts that seem simplistic, but actually has a lot more depth into it. 

It was a great opportunity to facilitate the topic of effort this month, because we were able to define what we are currently missing, and at the same time overcome them by setting our goals for our next year of 2016. 
From this meeting, we had opportunity to create our goals before the year ends, so we can put our efforts on the right track.

またApple社、Swiffer社、Patagonia社、Michael Jordan氏、Ichiro 氏の事例を交えながら、彼らがなぜ超一流になれたのかを学び、来年の目標を立てることができました。
