Wednesday, November 26, 2014

F.I.T seminar "Global Sourcing in the textile industries"

This morning from 9:30-11:30am, we held the seminar “Global Sourcing in the Textile Industries” for the students at the Fashion Institute of Technology. 
For the first half of the seminar, Yoshi gave an overview of who we are at Katsu New York. He was then followed by Chikako and Hikari, who explained the business flow of how our fabrics are made into garments. 
For the latter half of the seminar, we had Ms. Paola de Marco of Source4Style speak. She gave a presentation on what Source4Style is and how their showroom is the next generation of textile sourcing.
All of the students were very attentive and involved, and we hope they learned a lot from this seminar! We’d like to thank Ms. Akiko Inui, lecturer at FIT, for introducing us to these wonderful students who are the future of our industry.

F.I.T(ファッション工科大学)で教壇にたっておられる乾 亜紀子氏のご紹介で、F.I.Tの学生の皆様を迎えて「テキスタイル流通のしくみ」についてセミナーを行いました。
まずはじめに、弊社の事業内容と一連のビジネスの流れについて講義し、その後Source4Style社のPaola De Marco 氏が、Source4Style のビジネス形態について講義しました。皆、真剣な眼差しで講義に聴き入り、その後の質疑応答も活発に行われました。

