Wednesday, October 22, 2014

兵庫県西脇市市長 片山象三氏 ご来社

本日、兵庫県西脇市市長 片山象三氏、秘書広報課主査 藤原あかり氏、島田製織(株) 島田由紀子氏、島田啓希氏にご来社いただきました。
弊社からもSource4Style Japan Pavilionの概要を説明させていただきました。

片山市長は、発明家として第一回物作り日本大賞 内閣総理大臣賞を受賞された方でもあられます。


We welcomed Mayor Katayama, Ms, Fujiwara, Ms. Shimada and Mr. Shimada.

Mayor Katayama introduced us their new creation and some ongoing projects in Nishiwaki city.
We also explained Source4Style Japan Pavilion, and he was very excited about this project.

Mayor Katayama is not only a mayor, but also an inventor.
He was awarded the best innovation product in 2009.

Thank you very much for visiting us during his very tight schedule.