Friday, June 26, 2015

永津キャンプ最終日 Nagatsu Camp/ The Final Day

午前中はサポートチーム HOPES4人による「一ヶ月後の自分」をテーマにしたプレゼンテーション。

その後、ファッションが地球や人々の体に及ぼす影響を鋭く描いたドキュメンタリー映画"The True Cost"を鑑賞。
ファッション業界の片隅にいる我々にとって、これからのKatsu New Yorkの存在意義は、環境問題にもっと真摯に取り組んでいくことだという事を再認識しました。



Team Katsu New York

In the final day of Nagatsu Camp, we traveled to Katsu’s house. 
In the morning, the HOPES gave their presentations about themselves “Myself on July 31st”.
This project was to help them find out what ideals they want to achieve in the near future. 

Next, we watched "The True Cost”. This movie is about the environmental impact fast fashion has on our planet and mankind. We realize again how important our companies focus on eco-friendly products and how we can be apart of the solution in our industry.

To end our 17th camp, Katsu and Yoshi cooked a great feast for us and we shared our final thoughts in discussion. 

We have grown since we started this camp, and as always we credit that to, Mr Nagatsu. 

Thank you for your help and kindness.