Friday, August 21, 2015

第18回永津キャンプ最終日/ 18th Nagatsu Camp The Final Day

本日はNagatsu Camp 第18回の最終日。今週永津先生との一対一のワークショップを終え、毎回恒例のプレゼンの日です。


プレゼンの後は、タイ料理のランチを囲みながら永津セミナーでの学びと気づきを発表し合いました。自分のプレゼンとチームメイトのプレゼンから何を学んだか。河崎より「今後のKatsu New Yorkは若い世代に色々なことを伝えて、Katsu New  Yorkを経て自己実現できる人間になる、そんな場所にしていく」という話がありました。自社の利益だけでなく、世のため人の為になる人材を育成していく。それもKatsu New Yorkの目標のひとつです。



Today was the last day of our 18th Nagatsu Camp.
Each of us had individual workshops with Mr. Nagatsu this week.

Today's theme is "Your Milestone for Future". 
When we become 30, 40 and 50 years old, where we are and what we will be doing and how we are feeling at that point.
Also what we think we should do next five years in order to achieve what we want based on 12 management principles.

It was interesting everybody showed their character and uniqueness through their presentations.
Everyone has passion for their own dreams.

At the lunch time with Thai food, we talked about what we learned during the seminar.
Katsu said " Katsu New York should be the place for Hopes and younger generation to find the way to their future goal. " 
We would like to encourage young people to become respectable person who can be considerate about other's benefit. That is also our mission.

Mr. Nagatsu also expressed he was moved because everyone has been growing in the last few months.
We will keep growing together.
Thank you very much Mr. Nagatsu.