May 6, 2015
We invited our alumni from Katsu Academy on May 6 and spent a wonderful night!
Well, we have decided to have the night just a week before and could not contact many alumni,
however we got more than 15 alumni and our current staffs.
Some people were interned with us over 20 years ago. Also, we have received video messages and e-mails from alumni who could not attend the night form all over the world.
We will plan to have another one shortly. Stay tune!
Katsu New Yorkにて、インターンをしてくださった方々をお招きしました!
最後に、今回、連絡が出来なかったり、連絡先が分からなかった卒業生の方々がたくさんおられますが、次回のAlnmni Nightの為に、是非、ご一報をお願いします。