4月16日に開催されたKatsu Kafe Open Houseの記事が、繊研新聞に掲載されました。
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
NHK 取材班ご来社 「Japan Pavilion Part 2 / Mr. Glenn Mance」
今回は、実際に弊社の生地を使って下さっているGlenn Mance氏への取材です。 Glennさんとは、20年近くお付き合いさせて頂いていますが、2014年に満を喫して独立され、ハイエンドカジュアルのメンズラインを立ち上げました。また彼はメンズ業界きってのデニム通でもあり、日本製の生地をこよなく愛してくれてます。カメラの前で彼の熱い想いを真摯に語って下さいました。Glenn さん、有難うございました!
We had second interview with Mr. Glenn Mance by NHK today. Glenn and Katsu have been known each other for almost 20 years. He is one of the super professional and most decent person in mens industry. He talked about his passions toward to Japanese textile and as well as denim.
He established his own collections in Spring 2015.
Please check it out.
Thank you so much for being with us for many many years, Glenn!

今回は、実際に弊社の生地を使って下さっているGlenn Mance氏への取材です。 Glennさんとは、20年近くお付き合いさせて頂いていますが、2014年に満を喫して独立され、ハイエンドカジュアルのメンズラインを立ち上げました。また彼はメンズ業界きってのデニム通でもあり、日本製の生地をこよなく愛してくれてます。カメラの前で彼の熱い想いを真摯に語って下さいました。Glenn さん、有難うございました!
We had second interview with Mr. Glenn Mance by NHK today. Glenn and Katsu have been known each other for almost 20 years. He is one of the super professional and most decent person in mens industry. He talked about his passions toward to Japanese textile and as well as denim.
He established his own collections in Spring 2015.
Please check it out.
Thank you so much for being with us for many many years, Glenn!

Monday, April 27, 2015
Katsu New York support PEACE Making, “SHADOW PEOPLE PROJECT”
Katsu New Yorkは、「永遠の平和」を願い、”SHADOW PEOPLE PROJECT”をサポートさせていただいております。なお、このプロジェクトは、ドキュメンタリー番組として、7月下旬に、NHKで放映予定です。
"Shadow People Project”
Projections of Images of Peace
with Candle Vigil Prayer
May 1 2015, Friday 7:30 PM ~
来る5月1日(金)午後7:30より、PIKADON Projectは平和への祈りの映像を、Union Squareを皮切りにマンハッタンのランドマークに映像投射します。
Pikadon Projectは、Peace Culture Villageとのコラボレーションで、Art Workshop for Peaceを今年3月~4月に広島と長崎で開催し、日米の若者21名とともに国境を越え言葉を超えた平和を表現するアートを創作しました。
今回投射する映像のテーマは”SHADOW PEOPLE” 。広島・長崎での原爆投下の瞬間にその高熱によって影にされてしまった人々=シャドー・ピープルがいます。原爆の非人道性を象徴するこの”SHADOW PEOPLE”を記憶しさらに世界に発信するために、アーティスト、ワークショップの若者が中心になって"Shadow People Project”を立ち上げました。(http://www.shadowpeopleproject.org/)
自分が影になってしまったらどうだろう、自分の大切な家族が影にされたらどうだろうというイマジネーションから発して、社会の中で影にされている人々への共感を表明し、ヒロシマ・ナガサキの問題を人類の問題として捉えなおすアートプロジェクトです。広島と長崎でのArt Workshop for Peaceから生まれた作品、さらには世界のアーティストから寄せられた作品を基にプロジェクションの映像が作られました。
午後7時半よりメディア・プレゼンテーション ユニオン・スクエア(南西角・ガンジー像周辺)にて。
ピカドン・プロジェクトはこれまでにも世界15都市の仲間と共に同時開催フィルム上映会や各都市のランド マークに映像を投射するなど、アートを駆使したユニークなアピールで大きな反響を呼んできました。2015年も核のない世界を願う人々の表現のために様々なアートの場を設けていきます。
日時: 2010年5月1日(金)午後7:30~
出発地点: Union Square (South West corner of the park)
連絡先: 西前 拓 Taku Nishimae 携帯: 917-450-4921 e-mail pikadonproject@gmail.com
7:30 ~ Union Square ; Media Presentation
8:00 ~ Candle Prayer
8:30 ~8:45 Union Square Human Screen
9:15~9:40 United Nations
9:50 ~10:20 Times Square
Empire State Building
10:30 ~10:45 Washington Square
Press Release
"Shadow People Project”
Projections of Images of Peace
with Candle Vigil Prayer
May 1 2015, Friday 7:30 PM ~
On May 1st, 2015, Pikadon Project, an international art initiative will create ground breaking projections in key landmark locations in NYC including Union Square, United Nations and the Empire States Building. Coinciding with the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty Review Conference at United Nations, PIKADON Project invites the public to join in this event to create a non-nuclear world through art.
Pikadon Project in collaboration with Peace Culture Village recently launched “Art Workshop for Peace” in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where 21 youth from the US & Japan created artworks and hope. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCka5k0rmuDI1tqnAcG7vNzQ)
Theme of the projection is "Shadow People”, which originated from the people who were erased by Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only left shadows on street. This is an art initiative to commemorate these Shadow People and send messages out to the world, connecting “Shadow People” in each society globally. (http://www.shadowpeopleproject.org/)
We will Project images made out of the workshop, as well as the art works by collaborating artists Seitaro Kuroda, Cannon Hersey, Giles Clarke, Michelle Lopez, Samson Mnisi and Peter Bill to name a few. Projections developed by Taku Nishimae, Peter Bill, Kurimoto Kazunori, Ken Hirama, Junchen Huang and Tomoya Sasaki.
PIKADON Project has been in 15 cities around the world since 2004, collaborating with international artists and activists as well as youth, creating ground breaking art initiative for global dialogue on nuclear issues.
Date and Time: May 1, 2015, Friday, 7:30 PM~
Starting from: Union Square (South West corner of the park)
Contact: Taku Nishimae Cell: 917-450-4921 e-mail pikadonproject@gmail.com
7:30 ~ Union Square ; Media Presentation
8:00 ~ Candle Prayer
8:30 ~8:45 Union Square Human Screen
9:15~9:40 United Nations
9:50 ~10:20 Times Square
Empire State Building
10:30 ~10:45 Washington Square
8:00 ~ Candle Prayer
8:30 ~8:45 Union Square Human Screen
9:15~9:40 United Nations
9:50 ~10:20 Times Square
Empire State Building
10:30 ~10:45 Washington Square
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
A movie screening on 4/25 at club 75 "The Miracle of the Gifted Quarter"
Katsu New York is honor to be able to do a movie screening on 4/25 (Sat) at 2:00 pm.
Hope you can join us!
Fumiko Irie, the director of the film, was in difficult situations, when she had an experience which forced her to create the film. It was that gratitude came out from herself when she admitted herself as she was. While she had no filming career, she had a firm emotion to create a film “to swell the gratitude in the universe.” She run with her small camera for home video and completed the film. The film deeply touched audiences and they could remember to cherish lives and to love themselves. It turned out incredible number of non-profit screenings. Over 130 thousands people have watched the film in Japan, and it spread across the oceans to USA, Australia, India and China etc, sixteen countries in total. It was invited to Japan Film Festival in USA, on the air by UTB, and received a standing ovation at a screening in Columbia University, which is the summit of video technique. It’s message reached across borders of countries and cultures. We would like to share the delightful impression with as many people as possible. We also desire to realize Yukie-chan’s wish. Yukie-chan appears on the film and a girl who died from an intractable disease. The wish is to have everyone know that impairments and diseases are important and to make a world where all know that everyone is unique and precious.
- Suggested Donation: $10/person, $7/Student
- Contact: suga@katsunewyork.com
R.S.V.P by 4/24.
* We have to register the names of all guests in advance therefore, please register by 4/24.
Katsu Kafe Open House
Thank you so much for coming to Katsu Kafe Open House!
We enjoyed meeting with new and matured designers and received so many compliments. We also welcomed F.I.T students who is future designers!
Designers were amazed by Japanese textiles and enjoyed seeing our latest collections from Japan not only our famous wine and view:)
Whoever missed the event, see you in August and stay in tune.
Photographed by Tokio Kuniyoshi
第2回Katsu Kafe オープンハウスが開催され、前回を上回るお客様にお越しいただきました。皆様、日本製テキスタイルの感性の高さ、品質の良さに感心され、また機能性素材などに高い関心を寄せられました。8月には3回目のオープンハウス開催の予定です。
皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。 (写真撮影/Tokio Kuniyoshi)
Thank you!
Team Katsu Kafe
We enjoyed meeting with new and matured designers and received so many compliments. We also welcomed F.I.T students who is future designers!
Designers were amazed by Japanese textiles and enjoyed seeing our latest collections from Japan not only our famous wine and view:)
Whoever missed the event, see you in August and stay in tune.
Photographed by Tokio Kuniyoshi
第2回Katsu Kafe オープンハウスが開催され、前回を上回るお客様にお越しいただきました。皆様、日本製テキスタイルの感性の高さ、品質の良さに感心され、また機能性素材などに高い関心を寄せられました。8月には3回目のオープンハウス開催の予定です。
皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。 (写真撮影/Tokio Kuniyoshi)
Thank you!
Team Katsu Kafe
Thursday, April 16, 2015
NHK取材班ご来社「Japan Pavilion取材」
オンライン展示場 Le Souk/Source4Styleに開設予定のJapan Pavilion について、NHKのニュース取材が行われました。Japan Pavilion は、日本製テキスタイル生地の販売促進だけではなく、今までグローバルビジネスの経験がないけれども、今後国際化を目指している繊維メーカー様の自立化の手助けになるサイトです。また弊社が27年間培ってきた知識、経験を生かして、アドバイスさせて頂いています。
取材は引き続き、NY、日本でも行われる予定です。放映日が決まりましたらブログ上でご連絡します! (写真撮影/Tokio Kuniyoshi)
NHK (Japanese National Broadcast) came to shoot news about "Japan Pavilion / How to across the oceans"
We have been working with Le Souk/Source4Style to promote Japanese Textile at online showroom and try to educate Japanese mills who never have any experience of global business by using our experience for 27 years in NY NHK will continue shooting this program in NY and Japan. We will keep you posted! Photographed by Tokio Kuniyoshi
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
GUNZE様ご来社/Welcome Team GUNZE
GUNZE様御一行がご来社されました。今年からオンライン展示場Le Souk / Source4Styleにも参加され、さらなるグローバル化を目指されています。
We welcomed team Gunze, Mr. Shindo, Mr. Kawai, Mr. Maenosono, Mr. Kim and Ms, Ikeda. Gunze is the leading company in underwear industry especially, mens underwear in Japan. They joined Le Souk/Source4Style and glowing as a global company. Thank you for visiting us!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
チームオリオンビールご来社/Welcome Team Orion Beer from Okinawa
オリオンビール様のCM撮影に、弊社オフィスが使われることになり、沖縄から撮影隊の皆様が下見にお越しくださいました。1月に行われました「Okinawan Night」の際に、オリオンビールをご寄贈いただき、ゲストの皆様に”OKINAWA"を堪能して頂いて以来のご縁です。。撮影は6月、公開は夏以降となる予定。乞うご期待!
We welcomed team Orion Beer, Mr. Higa, Mr. Yamazato, Mr. Shimoji, Mr. Itokaze, Jamie and Tokio from Okinawa. They will shoot their CM in NY and use club 75 in part of CM. We look forward to seeing it in TV in this Summer!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Welcome Team Erimo
Erimo wallpaper team came from Japan
Mr. Yoshiyuki Nakamura (President) and Ms. Sakiko Hayakawa (Manager) from Erimo Industrial Co., Ltd. visited us in the 2nd week of April.
We had several meeting with our customers and it was very nice to have them.
Especially, for Sakiko, this is the first time to visit New York. She could meet many people here who she never met.
Also, she enjoyed one day sightseeing in New York City during the weekend.
Erimo has been working with us for last 27years continuously and we really honor the relationship. Thank you for visiting us!
Mr. Yoshiyuki Nakamura (President) and Ms. Sakiko Hayakawa (Manager) from Erimo Industrial Co., Ltd. visited us in the 2nd week of April.
We had several meeting with our customers and it was very nice to have them.
Especially, for Sakiko, this is the first time to visit New York. She could meet many people here who she never met.
Also, she enjoyed one day sightseeing in New York City during the weekend.
Erimo has been working with us for last 27years continuously and we really honor the relationship. Thank you for visiting us!
Happy Birthday, Katsu!
We celebrated Katsu's pre 56th birthday with very special cake made from his favorites (his actual birthday is 4/11) We could tell he was so excited by the cake :)
Happy Birthday and wish you all the best.
Team KNY
Happy Birthday and wish you all the best.
Team KNY
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Please join us / Katsu Kafe Open House on 4/16!
Time is running out!
Katsu Kafe Open House day is almost here!
TechStyle Spring 2016 collection
We will have a selected collection of Japanese Luxe Textile.
Please click:
RSVP by April 14th.
Katsu Kafe Open House day is almost here!
TechStyle Spring 2016 collection
We will have a selected collection of Japanese Luxe Textile.
Please click:
RSVP by April 14th.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Nagatsu Camp Volume 15
第15回永津経営塾キャンプ (3月23日〜3月27日)
とうとう永津洋之先生がNYで弊社と経営塾キャンプをして頂くようになって15回目となりました。 時間が経つのはあっと言う間ですが。。結果を
そろそろ出さなければなりません! 確実に社員一人一人の ”考え方” が成長していくのが分かります。 今年/来年が勝負年だと感じております。
今回の永津キャンプでは6 シグマ、Future Mind Mapの作り方を教えて頂きました。 また4月の末の第16回のキャンプに向けてさらに深みを出して行きたいと
思っております。 ありがとうございました!
Nagatsu Camp Volume 15 (March 23rd ~ March 27th)
It has been already 15 times since Mr. Nagatsu had started coming to our company to consult our business and establish deep philosophy.
Time goes by so fast…
It is almost time for us to perform!
We can feel that our thoughts and mind are getting so much deeper every time when we do this camp.
Let’s execute in this year and next year!
We learned how to make 6 Sigma and Future Mind Map this time.
We are working for next coming up Nagatsu Camp Vol 16 which will be held around the end of April.
Thank you so much for all!
Monday, April 6, 2015
Mr. Yosuke Ishii & Ms. Ryo Kuroishi from Queserser
凄腕 New Yorkに参上!
現在72人の従業員の方々と一体になって次なるステップに挑戦されてます。 23日には盛和塾NYのイベントとして
石井社長のご講演を拝聴いたしました。 石井社長の本気度と覚悟の決め方には感動致しました。
弊社で3月25日に感謝の気持ちを込めてWelcome そしてお別れ会を開催。 また是非お越し下さい。 お待ちしております。
March 23~26,
We had incredible guests, Mr. Yosuke Ishii (Founder/CEO) and his right arm, Ms. Ryo Kuroishi from Queserser Holding Co., Ltd/Queserser Japan.
Amazingly, he is only 35 years old.
He is challenging for next big step with 72 people of his staff right now.
We had a seminar from him on 3/23 as a big event of Seiwajuku NY.
We were all so impressed by his very very strong commitment for his company.
We threw welcome/farewell party for Mr. Ishii and Ryo-san at our office on 3/25.
We hope you will visit us soon!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Welcome Yuki Narita
We welcomed Yuki Narita today. She is a daughter of Mr. Yoshitaka Narita who is an owner of Tukiji Sushi Ko and a member of Seiwajyuku. She studied English in NY during spring break. She wants to come back to NY as our intern and we look forward having her!
We welcomed Yuki Narita today. She is a daughter of Mr. Yoshitaka Narita who is an owner of Tukiji Sushi Ko and a member of Seiwajyuku. She studied English in NY during spring break. She wants to come back to NY as our intern and we look forward having her!
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